Friday 29 October 2010

Who You Gonna Call? Ghost Stations!

Quick: head to iPlayer and check out the Radio 4 documentary, The Ghost Trains of Old England. It's a lovely little programme about parliamentary trains, and it's very much worth a listen.

And on a sidetrack, there was mention of the rarely served Denton station in Manchester. I have a mild yen to visit this station, because it's the same name as the town in Shock Treatment, and Shock Treatment is one of my minor obsessions (this is my ringtone right now). Strangely, it seems that Network Rail seem to also realise how dreadful the service to this station is, and recognise that if you want to get there, you may as well be fictional:

Let's take a closer look at that, shall we?

Much as I like a bit of humour in corporate life, that's just taking the piss, isn't it?


  1. I spotted that a couple of years ago -- someone else must have too, because it was changed to the more boring "contact customer services for details". Glad to see they've changed it back.

    Believe it or not, there is actually a Coronation Street near Denton. No sign of a Rovers Return, at least none that I can see on street view.

    Did you hear this Radio 4 programme about parliamentary trains? The Denton line features prominently.

    If you need motivation to do the Stockport-Stalybridge line, just remember that there is a real ale pub on the platform at Stalybridge :)

  2. Oh, you did hear the programme -- you mentioned it in the first paragraph. Must learn to read, it would be so helpful in everyday life.

  3. If you do ever decide to do The Ghost Train as it's called (look at me! I know something about obscure train journeys) let us know, we live in Stalybridge. The Buffet Bar is about the only pub we ever go to.

  4. Ok, totally off topic but on the station info page on National Rail's website, if you roll over the waiting room icon then it says at the bottom "Women only waiting room". Is there any station in UK that actually has one of these?! I've certainly never heard of one. It must be in a bloody dog rough town!
