Thursday 4 March 2010

A Whole New World

With the Spring sunshine beaming down on me, I started feeling all summery. All excited about the new glow of the year. It feels like we're coming out of the drab Winter and into a new shiny world.

My thoughts turned to the blog. I was going to go out today but, for various reasons I won't bore you with, it didn't happen. I did think about the look of it though. One thing that's bothered me about the blog over the years is how tedious it looked - it's very corporate Blogger, very off the shelf, and more than a little dull.

So, with the help of the good people at Artisteer, we've had a makeover. The blue and orange has given way to a summery yellow and black - partly because it's brighter, and cheerier, and partly because it's an homage to the distinctive colours of Merseyrail itself. The font has also changed from boring Arial to my favourite font, Gill Sans.

There may be a few teething problems, I warn you, and I hope to continue tweaking the look over the next few weeks until I'm completely satisfied. However, for the time being, it feels a lot better to me, a great improvement. Hope you agree!

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