Sunday 22 March 2009

Thameslink loses a leg

Nothing to do with Merseyrail whatsoever; but as a former Lutonian, and regular user of Thameslink, I can't let the last Moorgate service pass without comment. I remember boarding a Thameslink train for the first time, and being shocked by how clean and modern it was, with its posh toilets and its outline diagrams of St Paul's on the wall. It became an intrinsic part of my life when I used to go up to London of a Friday afternoon to go to Old Compton Street. Sorry, did I say Old Compton Street? I meant the West End cinemas to watch frightfully intelligent films. With subtitles.

Anyway, the gist is: goodbye Moorgate and Barbican, and even though I'll miss you on the Thameslink map, I'm glad you're being sacrificed for a better world.

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