A large picture taking up the whole of Page 3, fulfilling my lifelong ambition to be Samantha Fox, accompanied by a rather nice article by Kevin Core about me and my obsession. I feel simultaneously slightly proud and slightly embarrassed.
I am duty bound to mention the Amazoness website. George from that site left the link to the Merseyrail anagram website mentioned in the article, but sadly, when Kevin the reporter phoned me on my mobile at work, I was too flustered and incoherent to remember exactly where the anagrams came from: I've tracked back through the archives and found the link, but sadly it's not working now - not down to me I hope. Sorry I couldn't plug you directly, George, and also sorry to Sue The Lovely Tubewhore, who despite being mentioned as the inspiration never actually got a plug in the Echo.
The article's not dreadful, I suppose; he's tidied up my rambles and made it look like I know what I'm talking about, rather than just reprinting my burbles. Not sure I like being called a "buff". I'd prefer to be referred to as buff (hey, I can dream). It made me laugh that even when a professional photographer is involved, you still end up with an up-the-nostril shot. Rudi from Merseyrail was politely bemused in his quote. And I guess this means I can actually cross Liverpool Lime Street off the list as a properly tarted station: the evidence is there for thousands to see!
(Hello to any newbies by the way...)